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How to Remove Radium 228 From Your Ventura Tap Water

What happens when concerns arise about what’s in your water, like radium 228? This radioactive element can pose a health risk, but don’t worry! With a little knowledge and the right solutions, you can protect your family and enjoy safer, healthier water.

What Is Radium 228? Radium 228 is a radioactive contaminant that occurs naturally but can also enter water sources through industrial pollution, metal refineries, and sewage treatment plants. Prolonged exposure to radium can lead to adverse health effects, including bone cancer, brittle fingernails, and even hair loss.

While it sounds concerning, understanding how it enters your water and how to remove it is the key to protecting your family’s health.

Is Radium 228 in Ventura Water?

It’s possible. While Ventura relies on a mix of imported and local water sources, annual water quality reports from municipal water providers occasionally show elevated levels of radium and other contaminants in tap water.

The federal government has set health-based drinking water standards, but some public water systems still struggle to meet these legal limits. Federal regulations permit up to 5 picocuries per liter of combined radium-226 and radium-228 in tap water. Learn more about radionuclide regulation here.

In California, the standards are even more stringent. The state’s public health goal is set at just 0.05 picocuries per liter for radium-226 and 0.019 picocuries per liter for radium-228—levels so low they fall below the detection capabilities of most water tests. Learn more about California’s regulations and radium combined contamination here.

How Does Radium 228 Get Into My California Water?

Radium 228 can find its way into Ventura water through a variety of sources, including:

  • Industrial pollution from manufacturing or metal refineries.
  • Natural deposits in source water.
  • Disinfection byproducts, like dibromoacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and other haloacetic acids, created during the water treatment process.

Why Is Radium 228 a Concern? Exposure to radium 228 through drinking water may increase the risk of:

  • Bone cancer and other health risks.
  • Issues with bone health, including weakened bones.
  • Developmental effects in children and problems with fetal growth for pregnant women. Even at low levels, radioactive contaminants like radium can pose a one-in-a-million lifetime cancer risk level, which makes it important to address the issue.

What Can You Do About Radium-228 Contamination?

If you’re concerned about radium 228 or other contaminants in drinking water, call us! Our water experts are happy to test your tap water FOR FREE! From there, our team will find the best solution for your home. There are a few options:

  1. Reverse Osmosis Systems Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the most effective methods for removing radium 228. These systems use a semi-permeable membrane to filter out contaminants at a molecular level, including radioactive elements like radium. Culligan’s reverse osmosis systems, such as the Aquasential® Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System, provide high-quality water by reducing radium and other harmful contaminants.

Why Choose an RO?

  • Removes up to 99% of contaminants, including radium, hexavalent chromium, and heavy metals.
  • Improves the taste and quality of drinking water.
  • Compact design fits conveniently under your sink.
  1. Ion Exchange Water Softeners High-efficiency water softeners can help reduce radium levels by replacing radium ions with sodium or potassium ions. This process is particularly effective in removing radium isotopes from hard water supplies.

Why Choose a Water Softener?

  • Reduces radium and other minerals contributing to hard water.
  • Protects plumbing and appliances from scale buildup.
  • Enhances water quality throughout your home.
  1. Whole House Filtration Systems Culligan’s whole house filtration systems can be customized to target radioactive contaminants like radium 228, as well as other impurities such as barium, nitrates, and disinfection byproducts. These systems ensure that every tap in your home delivers clean, safe water.

Why Choose a Whole House Filtration System?

  • Comprehensive filtration for your entire home.
  • Reduces a wide range of contaminants, including radium and toxic chemicals.
  • Provides peace of mind with cleaner water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

How Culligan of Orange County Can Help

At Culligan of Orange County, we understand how important it is to have safe, reliable water. Our advanced water filtration systems are designed to reduce radioactive contaminants, disinfection byproducts, and other contaminants in tap water.

Concerned about radium or other water quality issues? Schedule a free water test with Culligan of Orange County today, and let’s work together to provide your family with the clean tap water they deserve.


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HE Smart Whole House Water Filter

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